Wednesday, March 18, 2009

3 years going on 45...

Well, well, well. It has been a long time since we've had a chance to catch up!

A lot has changed since my last installment. You see, now I am a wise old man of 3 years old. In fact, I am a BIG BROTHER now! I know many, many things. I go to playschool twice a week. I know how to run the grapple on the tractor better than most adults on the farm. And when I am not busy keeping all the grown ups in line I like to show my baby brother Nathan how the world works.

I thought I should maybe share some of my insights of the past few months with you. These are some of the clever things I have said:

1 - One dark wintery night I was sitting in my carseat helping my Mama drive from the backseat. We nearly hit a deer, but Mama's expert driving helped keep us safe. That night as I said my bedtime prayers I said "Thank you, Baby Jesus, for keeping us safe by scaring that deer off the road with your scary face and your hockey stick".

2 - Sometimes I try out new methods of addressing my parents. For example, I recently wanted help out of the tub so I called for my Mama and said "I am ready to get out now, you hairy beast".

3 - When I get really tired I like to dramatically throw myself down on the floor and writhe around like a floppy fish screeching "I'VE GOT A WOBBLY FOOT! I'VE GOT A WOBBLY FOOT!" My Mama REALLY enjoys this one.

4 - When quizzed about where I'd like to vacation I simply state with my eyes half shut in exhaustion "I have to work, work, work all day at the meat store". Even at a young age I realize that vacations are not common here on the ranch!

5 - When procrastinating bedtime I will try anything. I've recently lamented "I'm too tired to sleep!"

6 - Another tactic that I've recently implemented was claiming my pet dog, Fetchy, pooped in my bed. I even tried dramatically smearing it on the wall. Mama said "Nice try. Fetchy is a stuffed dog".

Life is never boring with a boy like me around!

Not-so-wee Will